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You should be comfortable working in a fast-paced environment and possess a strong commitment to quality and continuous improvement. Ideally, you will have: \u25cf Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or a related field \u25cf 2+ years of experience in test design engineering or a related field. \u25cf Proficiency in LabVIEW and TestStand. \u25cf Experience with automated test systems, functional testing, environmental testing. \u25cf A solid understanding of Lean Sigma principles and tools. \u25cf You will have the ability to work in a Cross-Discipline team environment \u25cf Understand Structured Design \u25cf Ability to develop good working relationships with team members and customers \u25cf Lab test/measurement equipment \u25cf Lab tools", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.plexus.com/careers/job/1099539038041", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "47.04650050000001,21.9189438"}, {"id": 1099538268574, "name": "Senior Electronics Engineer", "location": "Livingston, United Kingdom", "locations": ["Livingston, United Kingdom"], "hot": 1, "department": "Hardware", "business_unit": "PLXS-ENG Plexus Engineering Solutions", "t_update": 1738022400, "t_create": 1738022400, "ats_job_id": "R031282", "display_job_id": "R031282", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R031282-ro", "job_description": "Develops engineering/product concepts that are high-quality, cost-appropriate, and satisfy the customer's requirements while establishing an area of technical specialty and mentoring others on the team (in-discipline). Utilizes appropriate tools and equipment to perform necessary design work including design creation, design analysis, and design verification. Demonstrates skill in multiple phases of the full product realization process, as it applies to their role. Demonstrates the ability to work independently within most phases of the product realization process. Produces comprehensive project documentation in accordance with the quality and change management procedures and guidelines. Actively participates in peer reviews. Acts as the domain expert in support of customer and user engagement understanding their requirements in the context of the solution. Possess 10 or more years of industrial experience. Demonstrates experience in leading and owning the design of electronic products. Proficient in schematic capture using CAD tools like Cadence, Altium, or Mentor and simulation tools (e.g. Matlab). Demonstrates experience and expertise in analogue and/or digital technologies. Experience with microprocessor & microcontroller designs. Experience of board design using FPGA components. Experience in designing digital interfaces (i.e. SPI, I2C, CAN, USB, Ethernet), memory devices and high-speed digital design. Experience in designing power conversion topologies including AC-DC and DC-DC converters, control systems, precision sensing and instrumentation. Design for EMC/ESD and electrical Safety regulations and circuit techniques to achieve compliance. Experience with electronic test and measurement equipment. Experienced in test verification techniques and qualification testing (e.g. EMC, Safety). Design for Manufacturing and Test. Ability to liaise with suppliers of key components and assemblies. Familiar with low battery design for battery powered products. Familiar with SI/PI analysis tools. Experience with industry-specific standards and regulations such as MIL-STD, ISO 13485 or other relevant standards. Demonstrates ability to write accurate and concise technical documentation. Strong communication, analytical, problem-solving, and organizational skills. Hold an MEng/MSc or BEng in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, or a related field. Join our team and be part of an innovative organization dedicated to help create the products that build a better world. Why you will love it? Our employees work alongside a global team of experts who engage in projects that span a variety of industries - helping our customers in creating the products that build a better world. A workplace centered on collaboration and integrity Supportive leadership teams that value work-life balance through a flexible work environment An inclusive environment that values diverse backgrounds, experiences, and expertise Flexible career paths across a variety of disciplines Innovative design solutions and state-of-the-art technology that improves lives Through our commitment to local community involvement we encourage our employees to participate in outreach activities with charities, local Schools, Universities, and Colleges and to promote careers in the STEM fields", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.plexus.com/careers/job/1099538268574", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "55.90070799999999,-3.518068"}, {"id": 1099539351891, "name": "Automation Engineer I", "location": "Appleton, WI", "locations": ["Appleton, WI"], "hot": 0, "department": "Automation Engineering", "business_unit": "PLXS-MFG Plexus Manufacturing Solutions", "t_update": 1741824000, "t_create": 1741824000, "ats_job_id": "R032074", "display_job_id": "R032074", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R032074-ro", "job_description": "Develops manufacturing solutions/ provide services that are high-quality, cost-appropriate, and satisfy the customer's requirements. A minimum of a Bachelor's degree in Engineering or Science is required; a Bachelor's degree in Engineering or higher is preferred. Less than One (1) year of related experience is required; One (1) or more years of related experience is preferred. An equivalent combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the key job accountabilities may be considered. Intermediate Computer Skills Intermediate Decision Making, Problem Solving Skills Intermediate Verbal and Written Communications Skills Strong Analytical and statistical analysis Skills; Statistical Process Control Software Skills Proactive and ability to work in a Cross-Discipline team environment Understand Structured Design Ability to develop good working relationships with team members and customers Lab tool/ test/measurement equipment experience preferred", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.plexus.com/careers/job/1099539351891", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "44.2619309,-88.41538469999999"}, {"id": 1099539356771, "name": "Inline Trainer - 1st Shift", "location": "Appleton, WI", "locations": ["Appleton, WI"], "hot": 0, "department": "Manufacturing/Production", "business_unit": "PLXS-MFG Plexus Manufacturing Solutions", "t_update": 1741962744, "t_create": 1741824000, "ats_job_id": "R032077", "display_job_id": "R032077", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R032077-ro", "job_description": "Work closely with the production/group lead to ensure trainee meets productivity goals set for each product worked on. A minimum of a High School Diploma or GED is required. 1 year of related experience is required; 2 years of related experience is preferred. Inline Trainer should have previous experience serving as a peer trainer or mentor and is viewed as a role model among peers. Must have basic to intermediate knowledge/skills in Google Workspace or Outlook, Word, and Excel Basic to intermediate knowledge/skills in Power BI, DCS, Cornerstone, Training Delinquency and Forecast Tools, ABIs, and VKS Guidebooks is preferred Excellent attention to detail Self-motivated Ability to interpret, receive direction. and apply both written and oral instructions Flexible to quickly adapt to learning new tasks and moving to new areas to meet changing customer demands Flexible and able to work overtime, nights, various shifts and weekends as required Has demonstrated competencies in: teamwork, professional demeanor, quality, job knowledge, communication, problem solving and lean principles, flexibility, attendance, and timeliness Prior experience with various manufacturing processes and equipment is a plus Able to utilize general manufacturing tools and equipment Able to alternate between sitting, standing, and/or walking for long periods of time Able and willing to wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment as required for assigned area Materials worked with include, but are not limited to: isopropyl alcohol, flux, thinner, thermal compounds, solder (lead and lead free), epoxy, solder wicks, conformal coatings, and other materials as needed N/A", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.plexus.com/careers/job/1099539356771", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "44.2619309,-88.41538469999999"}, {"id": 1099539342510, "name": "Product Engineer", "location": "Neenah, WI", "locations": ["Neenah, WI"], "hot": 0, "department": "Product Engineering", "business_unit": "PLXS-MFG Plexus Manufacturing Solutions", "t_update": 1741737600, "t_create": 1741737600, "ats_job_id": "R032057", "display_job_id": "R032057", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R032057-ro", "job_description": "Develops Manufacturing solutions / Provide services that are high-quality, cost-appropriate, and satisfy the customer's requirements while establishing an area of technical specialty and mentoring others on the team (in-discipline). A minimum of a Bachelor's degree in Engineering or Science is required. Minimum Three (3) years of related experience is required. An equivalent combination of education and experience sufficient to successfully perform the key job accountabilities may be considered. Intermediate Computer Skills Intermediate Decision Making, Problem Solving Skills Intermediate Verbal and Written Communications Skills Strong Analytical and statistical analysis Skills; Statistical Process Control Software Skills Proactive and Basic Cross-Discipline Development Knowledge Understand Structured Design Ability to develop good working relationships with team members and customers Lab tool/ test/measurement equipment experience preferred", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.plexus.com/careers/job/1099539342510", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "44.1858193,-88.462609"}, {"id": 1099539347284, "name": "Quality Technician I", "location": "Appleton, WI", "locations": ["Appleton, WI"], "hot": 0, "department": "Quality Engineering", "business_unit": "PLXS-MFG Plexus Manufacturing Solutions", "t_update": 1741737600, "t_create": 1741737600, "ats_job_id": "R032059", "display_job_id": "R032059", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R032059-ro", "job_description": "Typically requires less than 1 year of related experience. A combination of education, experience, and time in field will be taken into consideration, and internal candidates may have distinct requirements tailored to their demonstrated skills and contributions within the organization. Intermediate computer skills Intermediate decision making, problem solving skills Intermediate execution Intermediate operational knowledge Intermediate influence Intermediate data modeling and manipulation knowledge Basic manufacturing Customer focus Role will work in an electro-mechanical manufacturing environment with required personal protective equipment. Facilities include comfortable temperatures, repetitive low noise level and suitable lighting for required tasks. May require physical stamina with strong manual dexterity and fine motor control with precise measurement equipment or delicate tools and components requiring a steady touch. Visual inspection may require acute near vision and the ability to work continually using magnifiers, cameras and other vision systems. Role will spend a majority of the time standing and sitting with limited activities including lifting packages, moving material and working around lifting and material movement equipment as needed. Role may include repetitive computer tasks in different types of software creating, editing and saving quality records.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.plexus.com/careers/job/1099539347284", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "44.2619309,-88.41538469999999"}, {"id": 1099539328291, "name": "Production Operator II", "location": "Nampa, ID", "locations": ["Nampa, ID"], "hot": 0, "department": "Manufacturing/Production", "business_unit": "PLXS-MFG Plexus Manufacturing Solutions", "t_update": 1741651200, "t_create": 1741651200, "ats_job_id": "R032049", "display_job_id": "R032049", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R032049-ro", "job_description": "Operates tool/equipment/processes in accordance with provided instructions as well as operate based on experience with limited or no instructions. Assists in the creation of instructions when none are available. Supports improvement initiatives and participates actively to improve work environment which includes improving safety, cleanliness, product quality and efficiency. A High School diploma or equivalent GED is preferred. Three (3) year of related experience in electronics production/manufacturing is preferred. Basic Computer Skills. Ability to adapt to change. Employee must be self-motivated with the ability to work independently and in a cross functional team environment. Good oral and written communication skills are necessary. Attention to detail. Ability to learn and be comfortable completing different tasks on a frequent basis. Ability to execute sound judgement and demonstrate initiative Ability to sit and/or stand for the duration of shift. Ability to frequently reach at waist and occasionally above head. Ability to carry up to 4.5 Kg (15 Lbs) and lift up to 20.4 KG (45lbs). Ability to use fine motor skills and occasional use of hand tools. Ability to frequently push, pull, bend, kneel, and/or stoop. Ability to meet visual acuity requirements that are defined by defined industry certifications and customer specifications N/A", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://jobs.plexus.com/careers/job/1099539328291", "isPrivate": false, "latlongs": "43.5788175,-116.55978"}, {"id": 1099539308381, "name": "Inventory Supervisor", "location": "Appleton, WI", "locations": ["Appleton, WI"], "hot": 0, "department": "Inventory Control", "business_unit": "PLXS-MFG Plexus Manufacturing Solutions", "t_update": 1741564800, "t_create": 1741564800, "ats_job_id": "R032019", "display_job_id": "R032019", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "R032019-ro", "job_description": "Responsible for managing a high level of inventory accuracy for the manufacturing site, ensure schedules are met. Responsible for maintaining acceptable warehouse metrics in areas assigned. Build individual and team capability through the completion of performance assessments, employee development plans and training. Bachelor's degree with a minimum of 3 years of experience in the related field are required. Intermediate computer skills. Excellent decision making, problem solving skills. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. The employee must be willing to work additional hours from time to time as dictated by business conditions and quarterly sales plans. The employee needs to have a sound understanding of inventory and material control process and have the ability to consistently evaluate process improvement opportunities. The employee must be self-motivated with the ability to follow through on assignments with little to no supervision. The employee must possess the ability to work independently and in a team environment. Attention to detail and organizational skills are paramount for the employee to successfully perform in this position. General office equipment and materials. Professional office environment with suitable lighting, comfortable temperatures, and low noise level. May require prolonged periods of sitting at a desk, using a computer, and other office equipment. Minimal physical activity is generally involved, emphasizing the importance of good posture and ergonomic workplace arrangements. 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If you're in the United States, please click on the link below to learn more."], "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/eightfolddemo-gaparent-all/1729074287::plexus_amer_benefits", "label": "Perks and benefits - AMER", "keywords": ["health", "benefits", "insurance", "401k", "wellness", "medical", "perks"]}, {"id": "company", "url": "https://www.plexus.com/en-us/", "label": "About company", "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/eightfolddemo-master/1733904004::plexus-office", "messages": ["Headquartered in Neenah, Wisconsin, Plexus employs over 20,000 team members worldwide, all united by our vision: we help create the products that build a better world", "By embracing an innovative culture of excellence, we pride ourselves on partnering with leading Aerospace and Defense, Healthcare/Life Sciences, and Industrial companies to design, manufacture, and service some of the world\u2019s most transformative products, including advanced surgical systems, diagnostic instruments, healthcare imaging equipment, mission critical aerospace systems, equipment that manufactures and tests semiconductors."], "keywords": ["About company", "locations", "company", "career", "about", "plexus"]}, {"id": "products", "messages": ["We\u2019ve strategically chosen to work in industries that require highly complex product solutions, often with the most demanding regulations. 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